Broadband Expansion

UPDATE 1/24/22

If you have any questions with installation or are told that you can not receive service please Alicea Bursey or Judy Martz.


UPDATE 9/8/2021

NOTICE:  Goshen Residents use the link below to sign up for Consolidated Broadband/Internet.  If you are interested in getting high speed broadband, please click the link.


Beginning in 2020, the Goshen Planning Board, Zoning Board and Board of Selectmen began work on bringing high-speed broadband internet to all residents in town.  In the wake of Covid-19, our community has seen just how important reliable internet is.  Our students were forced to remote learn, many seniors have had to see their doctors with Telehealth, and more and more residents have begun working from home.

This Spring, residents of Goshen will have an opportunity to vote and decide if they wish to bring high speed internet to all our of homes, at no cost on their tax bill.

Please see the below attachments for our presentations and FAQ’s, as well as Consolidated Communication’s presentation made to the Board of Selectmen.

Bond presentation-02-08-2021-v2 (revised from the 1-20-21 presentation)

Bond Presentation 1-20-2021

Public Benefits For Goshen 1-20-2021

Broadband FAQ’s 1-20-2021

Consolidated Communications – Presentation 1-20-2021