Welfare / General Assistance

For more than 200 years, under New Hampshire state statutes, Granite State municipalities have had a duty to provide assistance to those in their community who are in need.

RSA Chapter 165 in part states:  “Whenever a person in any town is poor and unable to support himself, he shall be relieved and maintained by the overseers of public welfare of such town, where or not he has a residence there.”

In conformance with state law, the Town of Goshen through the Board of Selectmen, have adopted guidelines for the application and provision of local public assistance.  The guidelines must be able to meet realistic costs of the basic necessities of life unique to the municipality.  These guidelines provide the process for application for general assistance, the criteria for determining eligibility and the process for appealing a decision relative to the granting of general assistance.

The names and addresses of people applying for and receiving assistance may not be made public.  The historical files, computerized data or paperwork that are created as a case is processed must be kept in a secure place that is not available to the public or to other town employees and elected officials who are not involved in the administering the case.

Local assistance is not a grant or gift, and recipients are required to repay the amount of the assistance if and when they are able to do so.  A lien in favor of the municipality arises immediately upon the provision of assistance.  The lien would be recorded at the county Registry of Deeds as required by state statute.


Melanie Bell – (603) 738-0107 / Welfare Application

As the colder weather approaches we would like to make sure residence aware of the programs and benefits that may be available to low-income individuals and families.


Call: 542-9528 or 1-800-529-0005 for:

Fuel Assistance Program
Electric Assistance Program -Provides qualifying electric customers with a discount off their electric bill.

Neighbor Helping Neighbor – (If you are not eligible for fuel assistance but have an electric disconnection notice)

Senior Energy Assistance Program (SEAS) – Assists elderly age 60 and above who are over income under (LIHEAP) with up to $270 per household
Remember to contact Fuel and Electric Companies before missing scheduled payments to inform them of any difficulties may have in paying on time. Ask for an extension and tell them when you will be able to pay. If you need assistance in making payment arrangements with electric company to avoid disconnection contact the Charlestown Health and Human Service Office.

Newport Food Pantry
95 South Main Street, #97, Newport, NH
863-3411 (open Mon./Thu 9-noon Tues. 4:30-6:30pm and Wednesday 12-3pm)

Sullivan County Meals On Wheels
76 South Main Street, Newport, NH

Find on Facebook

Claremont Soup Kitchen and Food Pantry
18 Central Street, Claremont, NH
543-3290 Open Monday – Thursday 4:00pm –5:30pm

SNAP (Food Stamps)
Claremont District Office 17 Water Street, Suite 301 Claremont, NH Apply online at www.nheasy.nh.gov or call: 1-800-852-3345 ext. 9700 WIC (Women Infants & Children)

If, you have children under the age of (5) five
Call: 1-800-529-0005 or visit http://www.dhhs.nh.gov/dphs/nhp/wic
CSFP (NH Commodity Supplemental Food Program)
For seniors age 60 and above, call: 1-800-529-0005 and women with children up to age 6


Homeless Prevention Program – application can be found at http://www.scshelps.org/homelessServices.htm or call 719-4225 or 719-4226
SCS HOUSING, INC. – Low income Senior and Family housing
Application can be found at www.scshelps.org/housing.htm or call Diane Ouellette at 719-4284 If, you are Homeless call 211 and the NH Housing Authority at 1-800-439-7247, for immediate assistance

Welfare Application

General Assistance Applications can also be found at the Town Hall and at Community Alliance of Human Services, 27 John Stark Highway in Newport, NH.