Note: The official address of the Goshen Post Office has changed from 25 Mill Village Rd N to 19 Mill Village N.
Dear Postal Customer,
As we are gearing up and getting ready to head into the holiday season, we would like to reiterate some things when it comes to mail delivery.
ALL LETTER MAIL AND FLATS must be addressed to your PO Box for we are the only ones who deliver these.
Flats are your large envelopes, magazines, catalogs, etc..
All that do not have the PO Box number on them will be returned to the senders, and yes this does include your holiday cards.
Please don’t forget your key, for we cannot hand mail over the counter.
As people rely more on online ordering for their holiday shopping, we are asking you to make sure of a couple things.
First, that before you place your order that it is addressed to your PO Box if you expect it to come through the USPS. If you are not sure, then there are a couple of ways to make sure you get your parcels delivered and not returned for any reason.
1. Place both your physical AND PO Box number in the designated address spots.
Example: address line one- PO Box Number address line two- physical address.
2. If a company claims that they cannot send to a PO Box then place the PO Box number after either your physical address or your last name.
Example: physical address # Box number or Last name # Box number.
We also ask that you DO NOT use the office address. We do not get credit for these and will either have to charge you postage or reject them completely.
Another reason being if FEDEX or UPS leaves them in the lobby, there is a chance it can be stolen.
No one is happy in this case, so please just don’t use it.
We are finding sometimes that if your physical address is too long with your box number after it the shipper will drop the box number resulting in parcels being sent back for insufficient address.
The main reason we are asking this of you is because we honestly don’t know who is going to be covering an office on a day to day basis.
With this being the case, whomever does end up covering may or may not have access to look people up in the system. If that person doesn’t, then that may result in parcels and letter mail being returned if it doesn’t have the PO Box number on there somewhere.
We are trying to avoid this. We are also asking that your mail is picked up on a regular basis so there isn’t too much build up.
We are very limited on space, so we are going to uphold the 15 day parcel hold.
We do this all year long as it is, but in the past some clerks would bend this rule. The same goes for the letter mail in the boxes.
If the mail builds up too much, then the box will be placed into overflow. Once in overflow, there is a 48 day pick up window before the mail gets sent back, and the box will be automatically closed.
There are exceptions like emergencies and 30 day vacation holds. We will work with you on these, you just need to let us know before you leave for vacation.
We know this is a lot of information to take in but again, these are the rules that we implement throughout the year not just during the holidays. All of this is to ensure we get everything delivered in a timely manner, and to make sure everyone is happy with the end result.
We appreciate and thank you for your cooperation.
–Post Office