Friends of the Goshen Grange Hall
News and Events

Governor Chris Sununu and NH Land and Community Heritage Investment Program (LCHIP) executive director Dijit Taylor with Goshen Select Board Chair Robert Bell and Sandy Sonnichsen at the NH State House, Executive Council Chamber, Concord.
The Town of Goshen has received a $95,385 grant award from LCHIP to support renovation of the Town’s historic Grange building.
Sandy Sonnichsen, who applied for this grant as a volunteer for the Town of Goshen, said “we are stunned and delighted to receive this award. It will be wonderful to see the building, which has stood empty for so long, returned to a central role in the life of our town.”
She notes that the Town also received an $8,000 Moose License Plate grant in 2017 to repair the roof of the building, and another Moose Plate grant of $10,000, awarded this fall, to repair the foundation.
The town will soon be soliciting bids for the foundation work, hoping to complete those repairs by early summer, while also soliciting bids for the building renovation.
The Grange restoration project detailed proposal is available for review in the Goshen Town Office. If you have additional questions, contact Sandy Sonnichsen at