Town Clerk / Tax Collector

The Town Clerk is responsible under a variety of state laws for a number of functions including:

  • Keep all town records
  • Certify the actions of selectmen and other town officials
  • Make official reports
  • Collect fees
  • Serve as an election official
  • Record all votes passed by the town
  • Register motor vehicles, boats and trailers
  • License dogs
  • Issue and record vital records (births, marriages and deaths).

The Town Clerk is elected to office and serves a three-year term (RSA 41:16). The Town Clerk may appoint a Deputy Town Clerk with the approval of the Board of Selectmen. The Deputy must be “qualified in the same manner” as the Clerk (RSA 41:18).


Cindy Williams, Town Clerk/Tax Collector

Susan Carpenter, Deputy Town Clerk/Tax Collector


Address: P.O. Box 58 Goshen, NH 03752
Hours: Monday through Thursday: 7:30 to 12:00 and 1:00 to 4:00
Telephone:(603) 863-5655
Fax:(603) 863-6139