Goshen Town Office Filings

The filing period for Town Officers for the

March 14th, 2023


Wednesday January 25, 2023 to Friday February 3, 2023 at 5:00 p.m.

Under the non-partisan ballot system, filing for the following officers can be made at the Town Clerk’s Office Monday thru Thursday from

7:30 a.m. to Noon and 1:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m

1  Selectperson…….….………….……………..…3 year term

1  Trustee of Trust Funds…….……………………3 year term

1  Cemetery Trustee….………….………….……..3 year term

1  Planning Board Member.….….….……………..3 year term

1  Planning Board Member………………………..2 year term

1  Zoning Board of Adjustment………………..….3 year term

2  Library Trustee……………………………..…….3 year term

1  Library Trustee..…………………………..……..2 year term

1  Supervisor of the Checklist ………………..……5 year term

3  Budget Committee Members………….  …..    3 year term

1  Budget Committee Member……………………..1 year term

Cindy L. Williams, Town Clerk

Please note: 

The Town Clerk’s Office will be Open from

3:00 pm – 5:00 pm, Friday February 3rd for Candidacy Filing